
以上投影片製作: 王佩蘭


Bromley, K. , DeViris, L. I. & Modlo, M. (1999). 50 Graphic organizers for reading, writing & more . New York: Scholastic, Inc.
Bromley, K. D. (1991). Webbing with Literature: creating story maps with children’s books.
           Massachusetts: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Buckley, M. H. & Boyle, O. (1981). Mapping the Writing Journey. California: University of     
           California, Berkeley Bay Area Writing Project. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
           No. ED225191)
Drapeau, P. (1998). Great teaching with graphic organizers. New York: Scholastic , Inc.
Norton, D. E. (1989). The effective teaching of language arts. Texas: Merrill Publishing