Reading Power
Pre-Reading :
Pre- Reading Strategies: Picture Walk
Making Predictions Clip (預測策略)
During Reading:
Read Aloud of the story. Explain and Teach the vocabularies.
Before、During、After Reading Ouestions: (先備知識:學生曾學過如何提問)
閱讀前提問 - 閱讀中一邊思考提出問題 - 閱讀後提問
Inferencing 推理 推論 (要舉證 才能推論)
What is KWL KWL in Storytelling
Making Connections
Visualize (double jounal) (Listen,draw , and share)
After Reading:
Venn Diagram Two books compare and contrast
- Thinking Bubble Reading is Thinking
Story Mapping Story Map
Clustering from the Story
Begin- Middle- End Plot What's plot ?
挑戰性文本教學模式 長文本片段閱讀或群書閱讀模式