English Learning Power- Athena's 英語教學暨研究網站

王佩蘭 王佩蘭

4 level questions about Guji Guji
2016-12-04 10:29:01


第 組組員姓名





第三組 第三組

2016-12-04 11:28:12


How many eggs does mother duck have? What are their names?

Ans: Four eggs. Their names are Crayon, Zebra, Moonlight, and Guji Guji.

What are the differences of ducks and Guji Guji?

Ans: No feathers, no beak, no big webbed feet. He has blue-gray skin, sharp claws, pointed teeth and the smell of bad crocodile.

Today you are Guji Guji, what should you do after hearing the crocodiles say?

Ans: I believe in myself, and I do my best to protect my family.

Today your classmate is Guji Guji, how can you help your classmates?  

第一組 第一組

Reading comprehension questions
2016-12-04 12:04:26

第一組   陳思蘋  高依琳  林美瑩

Q: Why does Guji Guji live with ducks ?

A: When the mother duck lays eggs , she is reading a book and doesn’t notice that Guji Guji falls down into the net.

Q: Does Guji Guji love his families? Can you find some evidences from the story?

A: Yes , he does. He helps ducks.

Q:After reading the story ,do you think Guji Guji is a duck or a crocodile ?

A: He looks like a crocodile , but he lives with ducks.

So, he called himself “crocoduck”.

Q: Guji Guji helps ducks. Is Guji Guji right ? Do you think he is a good kid ?

第2組 第2組

Reading comprehension questions
2016-12-04 12:05:50


宋馥妘(Esther) 蔡孟君 (Ginger) 黃裕琇(Joyce) 陳姿倚(Eva) 曾美娟(Rebecca)


討論故事:  Guji Guji 

How does mother duck call her babies? (Ans: Crayon,Zebra,Moonlight,and Guji Guji)

What’s the difference between ducks and crocodiles? (Ducks have feathers,beak,and webbed feet.Crocodiles have blue-gray skin, big sharp claws ,and pointed teeth.)

In the end of the story why the auther wants to call Guji Guji “crocoduck”? (Guij Guij is a crocodile,but he walks like a duck and he has a duck family. )

Now, you are Guji Guji. After meeting bad crocodiles, what will you do?