
During Reading Strategies
1、Read Aloud of the story. Explain and Teach the vocabularies.
2、Before、During、After Reading Ouestions: Asking Powerful Questions in the Classroom
Durning Reading 周佳樺
How many pigs?
What they want to do?
Why do you know?
(二)Read,Ask,Explain the word
Three little pigs went out into the world.
The first little pig met a man carry straw.
The little pig asked,”May I have some straw so I can bulid a house?
“Yes,”said the man.
“You can have some straw.”
Do you know what is the word “straw” means?
You can say Chinese.(學生回答:稻草)
What is pigs want to do?
Ans: Bulid a house.
What is the wolf’s personality?Please write two clues?
Studene Ans:
The wolf’s is breedy because he eat two pigs.And he still want to eat the last pig.
The wolf’s is careless because he fall into the pot.
2016-12-11 16:33:49
During reading 蔡孟君
read aloud:
Students repeat after teacher for short sentences
Teacher explain the meaning of words or語詞 by asking question 、TPR、in chinese。
Students repeat after teacher for one sentence。
1. Pre-reading:
Repeat book name
Predict the picture of cover page---“What do you see on the book?”
2. during-reading:
a. 學生跟著老師唸句子
b. 老師解釋單字語詞
c. 老師可反問問題,幫助學生加強單字印象
d. 講故事時,每講完一頁就問孩子是否有想到問題並提出
e. 中途再問學生剛提問的是否已有答案了
f. 故事書唸完後確認每個學生的問題是否都已解決
3. after-reading:
a. 寫下讀後的問題
Inferencing :
How does blue horse find out a green frog looking at him?
(Because the horse’s head is down, so it can see the ground of frog.)
2016-12-11 16:35:30
During reading teaching process
先帶學生一句一句朗讀,遇到需要解釋的字使用body language或是簡單英文字解釋,或是中文解釋抽象的字。或是模仿動物的聲音。
*Before reading questions
Show the cover of the book and ask:
Why is there a fly in the old lady’s mouth?
*During reading questions
How can the lady eat so many things?
Is she really hungy?
*After reading questions
Dose anyone sent her to the hospital?
What kind of lady in the story? She is _____________.
Because1.__________________ 2.________________
2016-12-11 16:45:02
During reading strategies
Read aloud of the story ,explain and teach the vocabularies
First,I will read aloudly the story and ask students repeat after me .
When students don’t understand the vocabulary,I will explain by show the book’s pictures or use my body language .
Before during after reading questions Asking powerful questioons in the classroom
After:I will ask students” if you were the gorilla,what kind of animal do you want to be your friend?and why?
If you were “BEAUTY” in the ending ,how would you to do ?
Q: Does the cat “Beauty” like the gorilla?
Give me a example from the text book?
A:The gorilla very angry to break the television,the keepers will take Beauty away .
The cat “Beauty”says “It was me!I broke the television.”
2016-12-11 16:47:05
Esther 宋馥妘![]()
Esther 宋馥妘
Esther 宋馥妘 During Reading Strategies
Ask students write down all the questions that flash their brain.
And before、during、after reading, we can try to find out the answer.
Read loudly of the story.
Explain and teach the vocabularies.
For instance: Afraid of, jump over, moon, tightrope…, etc. (We can use methods like action, contrast with Chinese to explain clearly.)
Inference guide
What kind of man the dad is?
He’s a capable man. Because he can jump over the moon and he can walk on the tightrope. (Idea from teacher.)
Take a look at this picture and repeat after me.
” My dad’s a great dancer, and a brilliant singer.”
Do you really think that the dad does well on singing?
Who can tell me why?
Because the other singer’s face looks not good.
(Try by myself.)
2016-12-11 16:48:38
The book’s title : From head to toe
Author : Eric Carle
During reading:
Read aloud :
Repeat after me by a short sentence.
Explain words by doing action(turn head)、speaking Chinese meaning or the animal’s sound(monkey’s sound).
Repeat after me by whole sentence.
Before、During、After reading question :
並請他們把問題寫下來,寫完之後一個一個詢問他們的Before reading question。
開始說故事的過程中,在一階段問學生有沒有問題,有的話請他們跟大家分享,並詢問有沒有人的Before reading question已經找到答案了。
在故事快結束前幾頁,詢問是否還有人的During reading question還沒完成,如未完成,要求他們要在那頁說完想出來。
說完故事後,先詢問有沒有人的During reading question已經找到答案了,並請學生把自己的After reading question寫下來,並與大家分享討論,看After reading question可不可以在書中找到答案。
Inferencing :
Question : Is people free to move their body? Please give three example from this book.
Answer : People can turn their hand、wriggle their hips and wiggle their toe.
2016-12-11 16:55:24
Eva (陳姿倚)![]()
Eva (陳姿倚)
Eva (陳姿倚)
During Reading:
Read aloud:
a) Repeat after me and their fingers point to the words. (sentence by sentence)
b) Introduce the vocabularies with the action and sound.
c) Let students show me something relating to the word. (like colors)
b) Read whole page together.
Before reading:
First, I give each student a white paper. And then, we start to look at the cover page, can you think some questions about it? What do you want to know from this book? Write your questions on your paper.
During reading:
Read sentence by sentence together, explain the words maybe they don’t know.
Finish one page, stop for some time to ask students if they have any questions you can write on your paper.
Keep going to finish the story.
After reading:
According to the story can you give me a question that you want to know. Write on your paper and we talk later.
We finish the story, all you know what happened in this story. Do you have answers in your questions? Let us check together.
Do you think all of these colored animals are exist in the world?
ANSWER:No. I don’t think all of these colored animals are exist in the world because I never see blue horse or purple cat in my life.
2016-12-11 16:57:56
During reading15"
1、Read Aloud of the story. Explain and Teach the vocabularies.
Let us see this book, And repeat after me.
“Mommies can teach you how to ride a bicycle,”(stundents:”Mommies…”) Very good.
And repeat after me “bicycle”, (stundents:”bicycle”)Very good.
What’s the bicycle? The bicycle in Chinese is? (stundents:”腳踏車”)Good job.
So Let us do bicycle’s activity. (stundents:做出騎腳踏車的動作)Good job.
OK, next page. You can see the ”snowman”.
And repeat after me. ”snowman”. (stundents:” snowman”)Very good.
2、Before、During、After Reading Ouestions: Asking Powerful Questions in the Classroom
And in talking story period, you can write it down any question.
So, now, Is anyone having question?
Inference 1:Did all the daddies love their child? Give me two example in the story?
Answer1:Dadies can teach you how to ride a bicycle.
:Dadies can make a snowman with you.
Answer2:Dadies can bake a delicious cake for your birthday.
:Dadies can help you make a garden grow.
Inference2:Did allthe mommies love their child? Give me two example in the story?
Answer1:Mommies can give you a piggyback ride.
:Mommies can take care of you when you’re sick.
Answer2:Mommies can watch the sun set with you.
:Mommies can sew the loose button on your teedy bear
2016-12-11 17:04:58
“The Ugly Duckling” During Reading 戴郁文
(1)Read aloud the story:
Today I’m going to tell a story, “The Ugly Duckling.”
First, let’s take a look on the title again.”The Ugly Duckling.”
Then, please repeat after me. ”The Ugly Duckling.”
Once upon a time, nine ducklings hatched.
(Students: Once upon a time, nine ducklings hatched. )
(2)Explain and teach the vocabularys:
Do you know what is “hatch?”
There is an egg. One day, the animal is born, we call it “hatches”. So in Chinese, hatch is 孵化。
Eight were pretty and fluffy and yellow.
(Students: Eight were pretty and fluffy and yellow.)
What is the meaning of fluffy?
Fluffy is something full of furs. A little animal is always fluffy. Maybe your scarf or sweater is fluffy, too. In Chinese we call fluffy is 毛茸茸的。
What is yellow? Does anyone wear yellow clothes today?
(Some students point themselves. )
1. Do other ducklings like “The Ugly Duckling?”
2. Give me some reasons to tell me why?
Reference Answer: I think they don’t like him.
Because other ducklings always tease him and left him alone.
2016-12-11 17:07:15
During Reading Strategies 16:08:03
Read Aloud of the story. Explain and Teach the vocabularies.
sound +words + meanning ,流程如下:
repeat after me)
Before、During、After Reading Ouestions:
Before Reading:先看看故事封面,想一想有什麼問題要問,任何問題都可以?寫在
During Reading:進入故事,過程中可以隨時寫下想問的問題,教師念完每一頁之
Do you have any questions?」
After Reading:故事結束後再寫下想問的問題。最後大家可以一一來檢視問題是否
Asking Powerful Questions in the Classroom :
Interpretive questions(詮釋型問題):what did you think/why didi you/where is this
going to/
Evaluative questions (判斷或評價性問題):從自己出發和生活連解的問題,能表達出自己的想法。
2016-12-11 17:28:47
During Reading Strategies
1.Read Aloud of the story. Explain and Teach the vocabularies.
First,the teacher read the sentence and students read it again.the teacher can use body language or simple word to explain the vocabulary.Using Chinese word or imitating the animal’s sound.
2、(A)Before Ouestions
Show the cover page and ask the question.
What did the wolf bring with him?
(B)During Ouestions
Did the wolf eat mushrooms ,not other animals?
(C)After Reading Ouestions
Do you think the wolf is a friend like yours?He is so cool, but friendly.
What kind of wolf in the story?
He is friendly to other animals.
Because he doesn’t eat the pig.
2016-12-18 16:43:13